Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) and
Plasma Rich Fibrin (PRF)
Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) and plasma-rich fibrin (PRF) are created from products made by your own body. PRP and PRF are obtained by concentrating specific portions of your own blood. The process of creating PRP and PRF involves taking the molecules that play an important role in the biology of healing and concentrating these healing molecules. Since PRP and PRF are created from your own blood, this decreases the chances of adverse reactions (side effects).
Both PRP and PRF procedures require a blood draw, although PRF requires a smaller amount of blood. PRP is created by spinning the blood at a high speed in a centrifuge. This causes the heavier cells in the blood (the stem cells and white blood cells) to collect in the bottom part of the test tube, while the platelets and plasma collect in the upper part. The platelets and plasma are then collected and injected into the areas of injury, pain, or hair loss.
Recent research is demonstrating that even higher concentrations of platelets, white blood cells and stem cells are an even more effective therapy. This is the advantage that PRF can deliver. PRF is created by spinning the blood at a lower speed so that the layers of the blood do not separate out as distinctly. This allows some of the white blood cells and stem cells to remain within the platelet layer instead of being completely separated. This technique allows PRF to contain more healing factors than PRP. The final concentration of platelets in PRP and PRF also differs. PRP contains 2 to 5 times the level of platelets found in normal blood. PRF contains approximately 10 times the platelet concentration when compared with normal blood.
Another distinction between PRP and PRF is that PRF does not contain any additives, whereas an anticoagulant is used during the processing of the blood for PRP. Without the use of an anticoagulant, PRF still contains active fibrinogen which is eventually converted to fibrin. Fibrin creates a spongy matrix that acts as a scaffolding to keep the growth factors and stem cells in the area they are injected, further increasing PRF's therapeutic properties. Plus, the lower centrifuge speed causes less damage to the individual cells involved.
Call us today at 308-865-0703 to see if PRP or PRF could be the right option for you.